Department of Art and Art History

Elena Calvillo, Chair
Professors Sjovold, Softić
Associate Professors Calvillo, Drummond, Szymanska
Assistant Professors Driscoll, Nelson

University Museums Executive Director Lampe
Visual Resources Librarian Keefer
Professionals from the fields in art are also employed as adjunct faculty members.

The Department of Art and Art History offers programs in the studio arts, Western and non-Western art history, and museum studies. Students work in an environment where they can develop their intellectual and creative abilities to the fullest potential. In addition to a rigorous and stimulating curriculum, students also participate in the activities of the University Museums. The museums present exhibitions of both historical and contemporary art with related lectures, workshops, and symposia with visiting artists, critics, and art historians. A study abroad program allows students to study art and art history in approved programs under the direction of the Office of International Education.

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